Who am I?
My name is Leah. I'm from a very tiny town on the coast of Maine. I attend Eckerd College (whose student body is literally larger than my hometown), and I study a lot of things. It's really a mouthful. I'm a double major in International Relations & Global Affairs and Women's & Gender Studies, and a double minor in Spanish and Political Science. All things I am passionate about. When I was in high school I put a map up on the wall of my bedroom so I could document all the places I planned to go (inspired by both Tumblr and the song Maps by the Front Bottoms). And I've grown to form a kind of love hate relationship with travel, because I both want to see the world in its entirety and do good things in the world. Which can actually be a little bit complicated, I've come to learn, by something called white saviorism and my positionality. I am a white, cis-gendered woman who was raised in an upper middle class family. And my ability to even create this blog where I talk about my experience with higher education and putting pins on the map in my childhood bedroom is greatly influenced by where and who I come from. It's hard to ignore that when I leave the United States. But that does not mean I have abandoned the idea of going abroad entirely. Quite the opposite.
When I finish at Eckerd I do not want to stop my education. I want to move to Boston and get a Masters, maybe a Ph.D. too. I love learning, and I enjoy the challenge of navigating the American education system. I'm good at it. I take great pride in my capacity to do so. But it's immeasurably more difficult for me to do projects like this, where I focus on myself, instead of femicide in Mexico, ethics in international relations, queer theory, or human rights and international law. Which is why I'm giving it a shot. I hope it's somewhat enjoyable for those who come across it.

a sort of bad photo of me sitting on my roommate's floor in nu 3 counting down to my 21st birthday that I like a lot
What is this website? Why does it exist?
This website exists because of a program that I'm a part of at Eckerd College, called the Eastman Citizenship and Leadership Program. This is my final dissemination for my "discovery plan," which is a process of learning that I embarked on at the beginning of fall semester 2020 (my junior year). In essence, it's a documentation of the process of learning and unlearning and frustration that I have experienced over the course of this program and the seminar class attached to it.
This site is meant to provide me a place to organize myself as I learn what kind of person I want to be in the world. Almost like a stream of consciousness that encapsulates the process of completing various steps of my discovery plan; memorialized for future Eastman leaders. Maybe, hopefully, it might be useful to them. If you're not an Eastman student (or are) and you're still confused, check out my first blog post. It provides somewhat of an introduction.
Why "Spaghetti Brain"?
Because sometimes my brain feels like a bunch of noodles with spaghetti sauce and this blog is an extension of that.